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William H. Gibson (Appellant) (Plaintiff)
The Queen (Respondent) (Defendant)
Court of Appeal, Heald, Le Damn JJ. and Clement D.J.—Toronto, March 2 and 7, 1983.
Expropriation — Compensation — Penalty interest — In determining entitlement to penalty interest under s. 33(3) of the Act, compensation means final award by Trial Judge, relocation costs not excluded — Appeal allowed — Expro priation Act, R.S.C. 1970 (1st Supp.), c. 16, ss. 14, 23(1)(a), 24, 25, 26, 27, 33.
This appeal is against the part of an unreported Trial Divi sion judgment declaring that the appellant was not entitled to penalty interest under subsection 33(3) of the Expropriation Act. The Trial Judge had followed his own decision in Leach et al. v. The Queen, [1982] 2 F.C. 258 (T.D.), and decided that in paragraph 33(3)(b), compensation includes only the value of the expropriated interest under subsections 24(2) and (3) and has no reference to relocation costs under subsection 24(6).
Held, The appeal should be allowed. In section 33, compen sation clearly means the total value of the expropriated interest, including relocation costs. Subsections 24(2) to (9) establish a comprehensive code of rules which, taken as a whole, produces, in the final calculation, the total value of the expropriated interest. Market value and equivalency value are only compo nents of the compensation referred to in section 33.
Leach et al. v. The Queen, [1982] 2 F.C. 258; 24 L.R.C. 1 (T.D.).
R. L. K. Smith, Q.C. for appellant (plaintiff). T. Dunne for respondent (defendant).
Blaney, Pasternak, Smela & Watson, Toronto, for appellant (plaintiff). McTaggart, Stone, Winters & Herridge, Toronto, for respondent (defendant).
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
HEALD J.: This is an appeal from a judgment of the Trial Division [not reported, T-1830-74, judg-
ment dated June 15, 1982] but the appeal is solely in respect of paragraph (c) of the judgment which declared that the plaintiff appellant was not en titled to penalty interest under subsection 33(3) of the Expropriation Act (R.S.C. 1970 (1st Supp.), c. 16).
The action proceeded to trial on the basis of an agreed statement of facts which established that the respondent expropriated from the appellant some 10 acres in the Pickering area of Ontario on which was situated the appellant's residence and other associated buildings. The date of expropria tion was January 30, 1973. By offer dated April 24, 1973, purportedly pursuant to section 14 of the Act, the respondent offered the sum of $55,060 in compensation for the appellant's interests in the lands. That offer was accepted on May 29, 1973 and payment was made on June 14, 1973. By offer dated August 16, 1973, also purportedly pursuant to section 14, the respondent made an additional offer in the amount of $8,280 which offer was accepted on August 22, 1973 with payment being made on August 31, 1973. By offer dated May 10, 1974, also purportedly pursuant to section 14, the respondent made a further additional offer of $1,669 which was accepted on June 4, 1974, with payment being made on June 20, 1974. Thus by June 20, 1974, the appellant had received from the respondent a total amount of $65,009. This was the total amount paid to the appellant prior to the trial of this action.
It was agreed that the time when the Crown became entitled to take physical possession of sub ject land within the meaning of subsection 24(6) of the Expropriation Act, was May 30, 1975. It was further agreed that the respondent made no fur ther offers pursuant to section 14 other than the offers of April 24, 1973, August 16, 1973 and May 10, 1974 referred to supra.
The trial judgment held, inter alia:
(a) that the total value of the appellant's expro priated interest in the subject property, as deter mined under subsection 24(3)(b) of the Act, as of January 30, 1973, was $58,000;
(b) that appellant's costs of relocating his resi dence in premises reasonably equivalent to subject
premises on May 31, 1975, as determined under subsection 24(6) of the Act were $90,000;
(c) that the appellant was not entitled to penalty interest under subsection 33(3) of the Act;
(d) that the appellant was entitled to the sum of $90,000 together with interest at the basic rate pursuant to paragraph 33(3)(a) of the Act, less such amounts as have already been paid.
The reasons given by the Trial Judge for refus ing to award interest pursuant to subsection 33(3)(b) of the Act read as follows:
I disallow such claim as the total amount offered and paid to the plaintiff in the amount of $65,009 is greater than the amount found as the market value on January 30, 1973 by either the plaintiff's or the defendant's expert. Even if the first offer of $55,060 only is considered, it is still over 90% of the market value. Such section has no relation to a payment under subsection 24(6) of the Act.
The relevant provisions of section 33 follow:
33. (1) In this section
"basic rate" means a rate determined in the manner prescribed by any order made from time to time by the Governor in Council for the purposes of this section, being not less than the average yield, determined in the manner prescribed by such order, from Government of Canada treasury bills;
"compensation" means the amount of the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest;
"date of possession" means the day upon which the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use of the land to which a notice of confirmation relates;
"date of the offer" means the day upon which an offer was accepted;
"offer" means an offer under section 14.
(2) Interest is payable by the Crown at the basic rate on the compensation, from the date of possession to the date judgment is given, except where an offer has been accepted.
(3) Where an offer has been accepted, interest is payable by the Crown from the date of the offer to the date judgment is given,
(a) at the basic rate on the amount by which the compensa tion exceeds the amount of the offer, and in addition
(b) at the rate of five per cent per annum on the compensa tion, if the amount of the offer is less than ninety per cent of the compensation;
and where an offer has been accepted after the date of posses sion, interest is payable at the basic rate on the compensation, from the date of possession to the date of the offer.
Also germane to a determination of the issue are the provisions of section 24 which are as follows:
24. (1) The rules set forth in this section shall be applied in determining the value of an expropriated interest.
(2) Subject to this section, the value of an expropriated interest is the market value thereof, that is to say, the amount that would have been paid for the interest if, at the time of its taking, it had been sold in the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer.
(3) Where the owner of an expropriated interest was in occupation of any land at the time the notice of confirmation was registered and, as a result of the expropriation, it has been necessary for him to give up occupation of the land, the value of the expropriated interest is the greater of
(a) the market value thereof determined as set forth in subsection (2), or
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the market value thereof determined on the basis that the use to which the expropriated interest was being put at the time of its taking was its highest and best use, and
(ii) the costs, expenses and losses arising out of or inciden tal to the owner's disturbance including moving to other premises, but if such cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may be allowed in lieu thereof a percent age, not exceeding fifteen, of the market value determined as set forth in subparagraph (i),
plus the value to the owner of any element of special econom ic advantage to him arising out of or incidental to his occupation of the land, to the extent that no other provision is made by this paragraph for the inclusion thereof in deter mining the value of the expropriated interest;
and in any case where the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the land upon the expiration of a period of notice to the owner shorter than the ninety days mentioned in paragraph 17(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to ten per cent thereof.
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), where any parcel of land to which a notice of confirmation relates had any building or other structure erected thereon that was specially designed for use for the purpose of a school, hospital, municipal institution or religious or charitable institution or for any similar purpose, the use of which building or other structure for that purpose by the owner has been rendered impracticable as a result of the expropriation, the value of the expropriated interest is, if the expropriated interest was and, but for the expropriation, would have continued to be used for that purpose and at the time of its taking there was no general demand or market therefor for that purpose, the greater of,
(a) the market value of the expropriated interest determined as set forth in subsection (2), or
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the cost of any reasonably alternative interest in land for that purpose, and
(ii) the cost, expenses and losses arising out of or inciden tal to moving to and re-establishment on other premises, but if such cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may be allowed in lieu thereof a percentage, not exceeding fifteen, of the cost determined under subpara- graph (i),
minus the amount by which the owner has improved, or may reasonably be expected to improve, his position through re-establishment on other premises;
and in any case where the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the parcel of land upon the expiration of a period of notice to the owner shorter than the ninety days mentioned in paragraph 17(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to ten per cent thereof.
(5) For the purposes of subparagraphs (3)(b)(ii) and (4)(b)(ii), consideration shall be given to the time and circum stances in which a former owner was allowed to continue in occupation of the land after the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use thereof, and to any assistance given by the Minister to enable such former owner to seek and obtain alternative premises.
(6) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, being used by the owner thereof for the purposes of his residence and the value of the interest otherwise determined under this section is less than the minimum amount sufficient to enable the owner, at the earlier of
(a) the time of payment to him of any compensation in respect of the interest, otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to him under section 14, or
(b) the time when the Crown became entitled to take physi cal possession or make use of the land to the extent of the interest expropriated,
to relocate his residence in or on premises reasonably equivalent to the premises expropriated, there shall be added to the value of the interest otherwise determined under this section the amount by which that minimum amount exceeds such value.
(7) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, owned by the owner thereof as a leasehold interest, there shall be substituted for the amount determined under subparagraph (3)(b)(ii) or (4)(b)(ii), or the amount by which the minimum amount referred to in subsection (6) exceeds the value of the interest referred to therein otherwise determined under this section, as the case may be, such part of that amount as is appropriate having regard to
(a) the length of the term of the leasehold interest and the portion of the term remaining at the time at which the determination is relevant,
(b) any right or reasonable prospect of renewal of the term that the owner of the leasehold interest had, and
(c) any investment in the land by the owner of the leasehold interest and the nature of any business carried on by him thereon.
(8) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, subject to an interest in land that was held by the owner thereof as security only (hereinafter in this subsection called a "security interest"),
(a) the value of the expropriated interest is the aggregate of
(i) the value thereof otherwise determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest, and
(ii) the amount of any loss or anticipated loss to the owner of the expropriated interest resulting from a difference in rates of interest during the remainder of the period for which any principal amount payable under the terms of the security was advanced (such difference to be calculat ed on the basis of an assumed rate of interest not in excess of the prevailing rate of interest for an equivalent secu rity), to the extent that no other provision is made by this section for the inclusion of an amount in respect of such loss or anticipated loss in determining the value of the expropriated interest,
less the value of each security interest to which the expro priated interest was subject, determined as provided in para graph (b) but as though no amount were included therein by virtue of subparagraph (ii) of that paragraph;
(b) the value of the security interest is the aggregate of
(i) the principal amount outstanding under the terms of the security, and any interest due or accrued thereunder, at the time of the registration of the notice of confirma tion, and
(ii) an amount equal to three times the interest element, calculated as a monthly amount, of any payment of inter est or of principal and interest payable under the terms of the security at the rate in effect thereunder immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation,
and where the expropriated interest was subject to more than one security interest, the value of each security interest shall be determined in the order of its priority but in no case shall the value of any security interest to which an expropriated interest was subject exceed the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest, less the value of each other security interest the value of which is required by this subsection to be determined in priority thereto; and
(c) where part only of the interest that was subject to a security interest was expropriated, the value of the security interest is that proportion of the value thereof otherwise determined under this subsection as though the whole of the interest subject to the security interest had been expropriat ed, that
(i) the value of the part only of the interest, otherwise determined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest,
is of
(ii) the value of the whole of the interest otherwise deter mined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest,
less the same proportion of the interest element of any payment made under the terms of the security, between the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation and the time of payment of any compensation in respect of the security interest, otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to the owner thereof under section 14.
(9) In determining the value of an expropriated interest, no account shall be taken of
(a) any anticipated or actual use by the Crown of the land at any time after the expropriation;
(b) any value established or claimed to be established by or by reference to any transaction or agreement involving the sale, lease or other disposition of the interest or any part thereof, where such transaction or agreement was entered into after the registration of the notice of intention to expropriate;
(c) any increase or decrease in the value of the interest resulting from the anticipation or expropriation by the Crown or from any knowledge or expectation, prior to the expropriation, of the public work or other public purpose for which the interest was expropriated; or
(d) any increase in the value of the interest resulting from its having been put to a use that was contrary to law.
In arriving at his decision in this case that the appellant was not entitled to the penalty interest provided by paragraph 33(3)(b), the Trial Judge appears to be following an earlier decision of his in the case of Leach et al. v. The Queen' where a similar situation prevailed. In the Leach case, the Trial Judge after examining the provisions of sec tion 14 of the Act 2 observed that the Minister's
' [[1982] 2 F.C. 258]; 24 L.C.R. 1 [T.D.].
2 The portion of section 14 relevant to this discussion is
subsection 14(1) which reads as follows:
14. (1) Where a notice of confirmation has been regis
tered, the Minister shall,
(a) forthwith after the registration of the notice, cause a copy thereof to be sent to each of the persons then appearing to have any right, estate or interest in the land, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, and each other person who served an objection on the Minister under section 7; and
(b) within ninety days after the registration of the notice, or, if at any time before expiration of those ninety days an application has been made under section 16, within the later of
(i) ninety days after the registration of the notice, or
(ii) thirty days after the day the application is finally disposed of,
make to each person who is entitled to compensation under this Part in respect of an expropriated interest to which the notice of confirmation relates, an offer in writing of com pensation, in an amount estimated by the Minister to be equal to the compensation to which that person is then entitled under this Part in respect of that interest, not conditional upon the provision by that person of any release or releases and without prejudice to the right of that person, if he accepts the offer, to claim additional compensation in respect thereof.
obligation thereunder is to make an offer to the expropriated owner in an amount estimated by the Minister to be equal to the compensation to which "that person is then entitled under this Part in respect of that interest .... " ( Emphasis is added.) Since subsection 24(6) speaks to the value of relocation of residence in reasonably equivalent premises on a date which, in Leach (as well as in the case at bar) is conceded to be May 30, 1975, it was the view of the Trial Judge that the Minister could not be expected to estimate that cost in his first offer under section 14 which was required by the statute to be made in 1973. Accordingly it was his view that when "compensation" is referred to in paragraph 33(3)(b), it refers to and includes only the value of the expropriated interest under subsections 24(2) and 3 of the Act and has no reference to the amount required to relocate the plaintiff in an equivalent residence under subsec tion 24(6).
With deference, I am unable to agree with that view of the matter. Sections 23 to 27 inclusive of the Act deal with the compensation to be paid to owners of a right, estate or interest in land which has been expropriated by Her Majesty in Right of Canada, to the extent of the interest expropriated.
Paragraph 23(1)(a) requires the amount of that compensation to be equal to the aggregate of "the value of the expropriated interest at the time of its taking ...." Subsection 24(1) supra provides: "The rules set forth in this section shall be applied in determining the value of an expropriated inter est." Subsections (2) to (9) then proceed to detail the rules for determining the value of an expro priated interest.
Turning now to section 33, the section which provides the authority for the payment of interest, it is to be noted that the section provides that, in section 33, compensation means the amount of the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest. That figure in this case is clearly, in my view, the sum of $90,000 which was awarded by the Trial Judge. The other dollar figure which is
required in order to decide whether subsection 33(3)(b) is to be invoked is "the amount of the offer". Subsection 33(1) defines "offer" for the purpose of the section as "an offer under section 14". Accordingly, since it is agreed that the offer here under section 14 as amended totals $65,009, it seems obvious that the amount of the offer is less than 90% of the compensation with the result that this appellant is entitled to the 5% interest penalty provided in paragraph 33(3)(b).
The respondent submits, however, that the Trial Judge was correct in deciding that the valuation under subsection 24(6) must be excluded from the definition of "compensation" as that term is used in paragraph 33(3)(b) and in support of this sub mission, relies on the words "the value of the interest otherwise determined" as they are used in subsection 24(6). It was his view that those words somehow operate so as to exclude the subsection 24(6) determination from the total compensation to be awarded. In my view, it is clear that subsec tions (2) to (9) of section 24 establish a code of rules to be used in determining the value of an expropriated interest. They are a comprehensive code and they must be read together so as to apply in the factual situations envisaged by the various subsections. Subsection (6) is not the only subsec tion where the expression "otherwise determined" is used. The same expression is to be found in other subsections of section 24. The various sub sections, when read together, make it clear, in my view, that the various items covered by the various subsections are to be added or subtracted as the case may be, to produce, in the final calculation, the total value of the expropriated interest.
In this case, the figure arrived at by the Trial Judge, after application of all the valuation rules set out in section 24, was $90,000. That was the amount of the "compensation" as defined in sec tion 33. It is, therefore, the figure which must be used to answer the question posed by paragraph 33(3)(b). In my view, the learned Trial Judge erred when he considered the applicability of para graph 33(3)(b) from the perspective of market value and market value alone. Paragraph 33(3)(b) speaks not of market value but of compensation. Market value is only one of the components of the compensation referred to in section 33. The
equivalency value established under subsection 24(6) is likewise a component of that compensa tion.
For these reasons I have concluded that the appeal should succeed. Since the offers made sub sequent to April 24, 1973 were designated as amendments to the original section 14 offer, it is apparent that the computation of the interest under paragraph 33(3)(b) should run from the date of the acceptance of that original offer, namely May 29, 1973. I would therefore allow the appeal with costs and amend the judgment of the Trial Division to provide that the appellant plain tiff is entitled to interest on the sum of $90,000 at five per cent per annum from May 29, 1973 to June 15, 1982, the date of the judgment of the Trial Division.
LE DAIN J.: I agree. CLEMENT D.J.: I concur.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.